How does Equity Release work?

Equity Release 101

Understanding how equity release works is important for  homeowners aged 55, as it can be a way to access funds without selling or vacating their cherished home. As retirement planning evolves, more individuals are turning to equity release to bolster their income, clear debts, make home improvements, or support loved ones.

Understanding the Mechanisms

If you’re considering equity release, it’s essential to grasp how it works to determine if it aligns with your financial goals. Let’s delve into the core principles:

Types of Equity Release

Lifetime Mortgages

This prevalent option allows homeowners to release a portion of their property's value while retaining ownership. Factors such as property value and the homeowner's age influence the amount that can be released.

Home Reversion Plans

Homeowners sell a portion or all of their property to an equity release provider in exchange for a lump sum or regular payments. The equity release amount depends on the homeowner's age and the percentage of the property sold.

Eligibilty & Getting Started

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for equity release, individuals typically need to meet to be a homeowner aged 55 or over, and own a property of a certain value with little to no outstanding mortgage

Qualified Advisers

It's essential to seek advice from a qualified professional before making any decisions. This ensures that you are fully aware of the implications and commitments associated with equity release.

The process of Equity Release


Initial Consultation

Begin with an in-depth discussion with one of our qualified advisers. They’ll gather insights into your financial situation and aspirations to ascertain whether equity release is suitable for you.


 Property Valuation

An independent surveyor assesses your property’s value, a crucial step in determining the maximum release amount.


Product Recommendation

Based on your needs and property valuation, our adviser will suggest the most suitable equity release product, tailored to your circumstances


Application and Approval

Upon deciding to proceed, the application process commences. Lenders conduct thorough checks, and upon approval, the funds are released.



For lifetime mortgages, the loan and interest are typically repaid from the proceeds of the property’s sale after the homeowner’s passing or move to long-term care. 

With home reversion, the reversion company receives its share upon the property’s sale, with the remainder going to the homeowner or their beneficiaries.

Impact on Inheritance

Equity release may impact the value of your beneficiaries' inheritance. Discuss this aspect with your family to ensure alignment with your estate planning goals.

Long-Term Financial Planning

Evaluate the long-term financial implications thoroughly and explore alternative options before proceeding.

Specialist Advice

Seek guidance from one of our local advisers specialising in equity release to understand the risks and benefits comprehensively.

Is Equity Release the right for you?

Equity release offers a valuable opportunity for homeowners aged 55 or over to access funds tied up in their property. However, it’s imperative to understand the process, implications, and considerations thoroughly. By equipping yourself with comprehensive information, you can make informed decisions regarding your financial future.

As every individual’s situation is unique, expert advice is indispensable to ensure that equity release aligns with your specific needs and circumstances.

Ready to explore your options? Reach out to schedule a consultation with our experienced advisers.

Equity release can be a valuable financial tool to access funds tied up in your property.  However, it’s important to consult with a professional adviser to ensure that it’s the right choice for your specific needs and circumstances

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